Teorie Školy
Jste zvědaví? Rádi se učíte nové věci? Hledáte nový způsob jak se naučit na test? Já taky! V tematicky zaměřených epizodách vám rád povím od biologie po dějepis.
před 2 roky
English: Infinitives and -ing forms
1) verb + infinitive with TO or ING form with a change in meaning (dependent on the form) eg forget, try, stop or remember 2) verb + infinitive (without TO) - for completed actions or ING - for ongoing actions - eg watch, feel, see 3) ING forms used as nouns - Subject: Smoking is not allowed Object: Why do you hate smoking? ------ phrases WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER/ HAD BETTER (NOT) /WHY (NOT) do not have TO after them - eg Would do you sooner be at home or on holiday?
Sat, 19 Sep 2020 11:20:36 GMT